Meet me at the Willow Tree...
I was formally introduced to Willow (Salix) when a willow tree next door was pulled from the ground and cast aside to make room for a new house. As I watched this happen, I felt much sadness at the way she was treated. When I shared this heartache in a circle of women, I was advised to gather her branches, as they held many magical properties.
As I began to learn about Willow, I realized she embodied many of the principles and properties I wanted to embody in myself. I opened my heart to her, and she helped me heal the grief and bitterness I had long held within. From that first tree, eight long, straight branches presented themselves as walking sticks, one for each woman in the circle. Her tap root was appeared as a fiery red goddess, complete with arms, legs and an umbilical cord connecting back to Source. And I became known as Willow Walking.
Meet me at the Willow tree, and I will share her gifts with you. The list below only scratches the surface of what she has to offer…
The healing properties of Willow are many:
The inner bark of White Willow can relieve pain and fevers, both internally and as an external wash for skin sores and burns; Goat or Sallow Willow can ease indigestion and whooping cough; Black Willow has many of the same properties, and can also treat sexual disharmony
Willow’s flower essence can help relieve bitterness and resentments
Carrying or sleeping with willow can aid in relieving emotions which weigh us down, such as grief, and can increase our intuition and dreaming
Myth says that Willow placed under a pillow increases fertility
A branch cut from a Willow will easily take root and grow anew, so she has become associated with renewal, growth and vitality
She embodies all four elements due to her deep connection with water, how she plays and dances in the air, her roots deeply grounded in the earth, and the fiery color red of her roots
She is excellent for divining water and may also be used to find lost objects
Her strong roots hold soil in place and check erosion when planted near waterways
Her wood is flexible yet very strong, and is excellent for binding things together, and for making crafts like the butterfly pictured at right
Because of her flexibility and strength, Willow is often used to make baskets and furniture, to create and hold space for us
Her limbs are very straight, and may also be used for fence posts or for walking sticks
Willow wood in the home is said to guard against evil, and outside the home, to offer protection for all within
She is one of the first trees to leaf out in spring, and the last to lose her leaves in fall
And her beauty and grace speaks for itself
Thank you for visiting with me at the Willow tree.
I hope you have enjoyed your time here.